Itheater collaborative nine circles
Itheater collaborative nine circles

May be taken before TPS 10 and/or TPS 12. Exploration of these issues through a close examination of approximately twenty plays, related critical readings, research, presentations and discussions. Topics include the popular theatre of the European Renaissance and Japan, Neoclassicism, eighteenth-century theatre in Europe and China, melodrama, and Romanticism. Focus on new audiences, technologies, and dramaturgical techniques and how theatre negotiated changing views of ethnicity, gender, sexuality, religion, class, nationalism, and other social constructs. TPS 0011 Early Modern Theatre. Drama and performance of Asia, Europe, and the United States from the sixteenth through nineteenth centuries. May be taken before TPS 11 and/or TPS 12. Relationship between these cultures and their theatres through a close examination of approximately twenty plays, related critical readings, research, presentations and discussions.

itheater collaborative nine circles

Special attention paid to the ways theatre has challenged or supported the society that produced it and to how ethnicity, gender, sexuality, religion, class, and other social constructs have shaped performance, playwriting, and production. TPS 0010 Ancient And Medieval Theatre. Early performance rituals in Africa, Asia, the Americas, and Europe the classical drama of Greece, Rome, and India and the theatre of medieval Europe and Asia. Exploration of all areas of theatre including practical projects as designers, directors, stage managers, dramaturgs, technicians, and actors, culminating in final presentations/performances. TPS 0002 Foundations in Theatre: Process, Performance, and Production. Creative process and the collaborative aspects of production and theatre-making. Introduction to Theatre provides the student of any background with an opportunity to intermix his or her own interests with both the performing arts and cultural studies. Students of all backgrounds are encouraged to apply their knowledge and experiences to class discussion as we explore the process and place of theatre in societies of the past and present. TPS 0001 Introduction To Theatre. Thornton Wilder called theatre the greatest of all art forms, the most immediate way in which a human being can share with another the sense of what it is to be a human being. By introducing the student to theatre as a socially expressive art form, this course illuminates aspects of history and human relations through interdisciplinary study. TPS AC Ac Drama. Tufts equivalency awarded based upon SAT or International Diploma exam/score. Please see Tufts Exam Equivalency Chart in Bulletin for detailed information. Theatre and Performance Studies: Undergraduate

itheater collaborative nine circles

TPS Undergraduate Courses Dance Courses TPS Graduate Courses For up-to-date information on course offerings, schedules, room locations and registration, please visit the Student Information System (SIS). Visit the undergraduate and graduate pages for course requirements for specific programs. Descriptions for special topics seminars are updated each semester. The list below includes descriptions of all undergraduate and graduate courses offered by the Department of Theatre, Dance, and Performance Studies, though some courses may be taught more often than others. Fall 2022 Offerings Spring 2023 Offerings Course Info on SIS Archives Course Descriptions

Itheater collaborative nine circles